God Never Leaves You Alone During Your Trials

You might feel that you are all alone during the times of trials, but be confident that we have a great God who is greater than your problems, and He never leaves you nor forsakes you.  Everyone goes through hard times and trials; worldly people look after worldly things to get rid of the problems but we the children of Jesus, we should always have an unaffected faith that God is with us, irrespective of what trials we might go through.  As well as we have an unaffected faith, we should have an infectious faith; to bear one another’s burdens in the heat of the day!

Just to show you, from a biblical view, here’s proof that God never leaves you alone during trials and tribulations in your life!

In the bible (Daniel 3:1-11), Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were ordered to be thrown into the blazing furnace which had been heated seven times higher, since these three young men refused to worship the gold statue raised by the King Nebuchadnezzar.  All three of the young men, had a strong faith that their living God will never leave them at the times of trials.

Always remember during your “trial period”, your faith will be thing which will be tested the more.  It is always the “Faith” which needs to play the key role at the times of trials, because with the size of mustard seed faith (Matthew 17:20) you can easily move the mountain. God honored their faith and never let them alone!  When King Nebuchadnezzar saw there was a fourth man among them in the furnace, he realized that it was God in there with them!   They saw that the fire had not harmed their bodies. The hair on their heads wasn’t singed, their clothes weren’t burned, and they didn’t smell of smoke.

Don’t think you will be absolved from engaging in spiritual warfare, just because you are a born again believer!

Sometimes your finances will end up in the furnace, but remember God is in there with it!

Sometimes your health will end up in the furnace, but just gird up your loins, and yell “its fire time”!

Sometimes your relation will end up in the furnace, but remember with God, your relationship is “fire proof”!

What was the result of this trial?  King Nebuchadnezzar recognized that it was the true God, the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who had done this mighty feat.

Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. – (Hebrew 13:5)

You might even face strong storms in your life and could raise a question where is God. His presence is always beside you in your boat. He will calm the storms for you, just have faith in Him. The trials for Christian believers are merely to shape and grow you more into his love.  During the time of trial it is where you come to experience God’s mighty power,  maneuvering over your situation and experiences that God is beside you taking care of everything, as the battle’s not yours but God’s (2 Chronicle 20:15)!  Just be faithful and move in the direction God wants you to move.  God will never leave you alone in any of your situation, whether it can be family, relationship, ministry, etc.

There’s not an hour that He is not near us,

No, not one! No, not one!

No night so dark but His love can cheer us,

No, not one!  No, not one!


Jesus knows all about our struggles,

He will guide till the day is done;

There’s not a friend like the lowly Jesus,

No, not one! No not one!  – Johnson Oatman, Jr.
